2020 Nonprofit Trends You Need To Watch

Forbes Council of Nonprofits put out an important list of trends that I think are noteworthy in the Nonprofit world. I’ll mention a few and put my spin on them. I’ve picked the most important ones that I think will be game-changers in 2020.

1. Greater focus on mission and priorities – When we have election cycles it’s so easy to get off track with so many different agendas and policies competing for our attention. Stay focused on what you said you would do for the people and communities that you serve.

2. Easier, more personalized giving – donors want to give more than their checks. This is the age of the “experience” so they want to be a part of something that they can feel and see. fostering relationships and letting people share their success stories directly with donors is the trend that will allow people to give money and share in a more personalized giving experience.

3. More Women Of Color In Leadership Positions -Studies from the Building Movement Project shows that there is a significant bias to women of color in nonprofit leadership positions, regardless of education. “When nonprofit leaders center the leadership of younger black and brown women, our credibility goes up and we get better results!”

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